Could ”Eyevis” be a legit first-step in Liquid TV’s return?



Look, I’m a bit heart-broken still. A couple weeks ago we were told that Liquid TV was coming back with new episodes, only to get re-runs that were already aired on Hulu and Amazon last-year. Right when Liquid TV was uploading the previously aired episodes, I couldn’t help but feel like a kid opening up a sweater that I had already owned last year. Thankfully, it looks like MTV is starting to come around with producing original cartoons again and that starts with ”Eyevis”.

”Eyevis” is a relatively new series that creator Dave Johnson said was going to be part of original relaunch of LiquidTV, however after looking through our records we don’t seem to remember it airing. That said, MTV has begun uploading the series every week on MTV(other) and Dave says that if enough people watch it that MTV will order more episodes.

And why not? The show is pretty fucking awesome, and could be just the thing that MTV’s Liquid TV needs to stop bull shitting us and instead give us new and original content. Watch ”How to Make a Cyclops” below: