Top Five InstaVines of the Week: 4/4/14


We are introducing a new feature this week where we are counting down the top Instagram Vids and Vines of the week from the best in animation. So let’s get down to it to see who did up the best shorties this week, shall we?

5) Selfies Spread Lice-FOX ADHD

Well, it’s a good thing I’m not like ChefRich where I have to take selfies every 30 seconds. Here’s a good example why!

4) It’s time to drop a fat beat-Annoying Orange

CLEARLY, this fat beat needs to go to the gym with ChefRich, but chances are all parties involved will still be fat.

3) Watch the Clock-TripTank

Because what else are you going to watch?

2) Lemurs get high off of millipedes-FOX ADHD

Somewhere out there James Gunn is watching this right now.

1) Your mom called!-Trip Tank

Mmmmmm…Hot Dogs