Shorts Review: NPC “The Crash”

So, the finale to the finale of NPC is here! Check it out after the jump! the-crash-npc-ep-12-season-finale_hqdefault

Well, I want to apologize, because I jumped the gun a little with episode 11 by saying it was the season finale. When the show has “season finale coming next week” after episode 10, you just kind of go with it. Anyway, this is the season finale of NPC!

Mike is dealing with deleting Rico Sellick from the world in his own special way. He wakes up, and dances in front of anyone who crosses his path. Think about it for a second. If you got revenge on the one person who has made your life a living hell, wouldn’t you do the same thing? I sure as hell would.  As he’s singing and dancing, he is accumulating an entire stage show chorus behind him, until people start spontaneously catching on fire.  He jacks a scooter, and flees the chaos. The world is coming down around him as he makes it to the airport, and he hops into a fighter jet. Now we get a little bit of exposition, about how Mike wasn’t going to let Rico get the better of him. So, Mike runs to San Santos. You know what that means…GTA5 for everyone!

Well, now we get the aftermath of the crashed game. Showing people just catch on fire was pretty cool. Unfortunately, it felt a little underwhelming with the screen melting we got at the end of the last episode. I can’t wait to see what the guys have in store for Trevor, because he’s easily the coolest character in that game, not to mention the most mentally unhinged. Overall, the show is good, but not great. There was not a lot to make me laugh out loud, but did get a bunch of chuckles.  Hopefully, the hop to GTA5 will give us that last little bit to get NPC into something fantastic.
