Review: MAD Magazine #527 – “Head Of The Class”


Mad Magazine #527

“Head Of The Class”

COVER- Artist: Mark Fredrickson

I think the only way to really describe this cover is “hyper detailed.” The shading and attention to detail in the hands on the cover are outstanding. Though it may not be as iconic or recognizable as other editions of MAD, it’s still deserves a shout out for its creativity and flair.


SPY VS. SPY- Writer/Artist: Peter Kuper

The main edition of Spy Vs. Spy shows us a dogfight between spies in the not so friendly skies. Black Spy thinks he’s won when he saws off White Spy’s wings, but that victory is short lived when it is revealed that White Spy’s plane was a missile all along.

The second story shows Black Spy knitting and White Spy getting his just desserts after he steals the yarn.


The Slobbit: Writer: Desmond Devlin Artist: Tim Richmond

Normally the main movie parody in any edition of MAD is a shining jewel. Sadly, this one deserves to be tossed into the fires of Mordor. Though Richmond’s artwork is bright, detailed, and really moves the story along, the story is fairly bland. Most of that is Tolkien’s fault but the typical MAD jokes and name changes don’t do much to salvage it or even really draw many added laughs.



“When Delivery Drones Go Bad”, “Sports Atrocity”, “MAD’s Common Sense Tips For First Aid”, “A MAD Look At Legalized Marijuana”, “Forgotten Moments From 30 Years Of Wrestlemania”


This edition of MAD really felt like it was missing a signature moment. Maybe we just had a pretty lame past 3 months and there weren’t many topics to parody. This gives me hope that the next edition will be better due to the missing planes, racist basketball owners and whatnot. But as for this one, skip it.

Quick shout out to Sergio Aragones and Jim Campbell for their “A MAD look…” article. The most laughs and most original concept in this entire edition can be found here.