NBC fucks with us on the possibilities of ”G.I. Jeff”


It’s been a little under a week since Community aired its critically acclaimed ”G.I. Jeff’‘ special, but we are JUST starting to get some cool shit from NBC. Most recently, we got a behind the scenes pic of Joel McHale recording tracks as ”Jeff” that looks like this:



As cool as it is to see Joel behind the scenes doing his best Bono impersonation, I couldn’t help but nearly cum when THIS happened:


Can you imagine if this were a real thing? G.I. JEFF ACTION FIGURES! I would give my kidneys for this whole set! Wouldn’t be great if we got Hasbro to make toys of the ”G.I. Jeff” episode, THEN sell the movie rights to Universal Studios who would make a live-action take on ”G.I. Jeff”’ with the Rock ONLY to spin THAT off into an animated series?

Ok, I may be getting  little ahead of myself…but I would still buy that shit. What say you?