Review: Fish Hooks ‘Brothers of a Feather; I Have this Friend…’


Spoilers Below

This bird decides to adopt Oscar and Milo as its own children due to the fact that she doesn’t have any children of her own. In all fairness its the fish’s damn fault due to the fact that they decided to nap in a bird’s nest located directly underneath a bird’s ass. The bird mom LOVES this shit because now the bird gets to do all of these motherly things for her ‘children’. Milo wants to stay, but Oscar isn’t crazy about the fact that they are basically lying to the bird, but the brothers decide to stick it out. Bea starts to worry about her friends, so she calls the guys to ask what the fuck is going on? Turns out, even Oscar is hooked on being a bird, but soon the guys get sent to school and needless to say they stick out. Worst yet, bird mom forces the brothers to do soccer, ballet, and a bunch of other shit they really don’t like doing. The last straw comes when Milo and Oscar have to learn to fly like a bird, however Bea convinces bird mom to save the fish before they drop to their doom. She decides to fly her kids back to the aquarium so that the fish can go back to being fish.

Fish Hooks pulls off one of its best-written episodes for Season 3 in this still young 2014. The birds came off as almost another spin-off idea what with the schools and sports, it really was like the birds have always had this world outside of the Fish Hooks lore and we are just NOW getting to see it. The birds, the hamsters, etc it seems as though whenever this series goes outside of the fish bowl, the writers have a bit more fun with ideas and it works here. The episode was VERY funny, and well thought out, but I’m not sure if Bea was really all that necessary and we probably could have done without her and the girls.



”I have this Friend”

Bea is a podcast and all of the girls are in it to win it. It’s here the girls talk about music, boys, and other personal shit. Shellsea delves deep into a story about her ”friend” whom is having trouble finding a date. Back at school, all of the kids are talking about Shellsea’s podcast story, but everyone thinks the fairy tale really was about her. Milo decides to lead the other kids over to the mall so that they can help find Shellsea a date. Unfortunately, none of the kids are able to get much luck in landing Shellsea a dude until they run into this guy who looks and talks just like her. His name is Michael and after taking him through a line of questioning, the kids figure that they have found the dream guy for Shellsea. Right off the bat, Shellsea and Michael seem to hit it right off, but we find out that Michael was the friend Shellsea was talking about on the podcast! In any case, Shellsea and Michael decide to go out.

Anyone who saw last week’s episode ”Fish Taco’‘ was already introduced to Michael which means the ending to this one was pretty much ruined from the get-go.

