Review: American Dad “Stan Goes on the Pill”


Spoilers Below

Gentlemen, sometimes it can be difficult listening to your significant other. No doubt about it. Nobody knows this better than Mr. Stan Smith.

After a long day, Stan’s only interest is getting frisky with Francine before settling in for a good night’s sleep. On the other hand, Francine only wants to tell Stan about her day. When Stan gets caught not paying attention, he uses his CIA connections to obtain a drug that would let him daydream while retaining all of the information Francine feeds to him. As a student, all I could think about is how useful this drug would be in a three hour lecture on Canadian/Chinese trade relations. Improving your relationship with your wife is definitely another helpful use! Things are going well, and Stan is listening his ears off. When he is finally going to get some hard earned intimacy, a side effect of the listening drug kicks in… and turns Stan into a woman.

Now Stan must adapt to life as a female, and walk a mile in the shoes of the opposite sex. How will he handle it? Meanwhile, Klaus is fed up with his new job at Hardees and joins forces with Roger to turn $1,200 into a successful business.

“Stan Goes on the Pill” was an alright episode. The overall plot wasn’t that interesting, and the jokes were hit and miss, but I wasn’t overly disappointed either. It met my expectations, but didn’t do much to go beyond them. The business venture between Roger and Klaus felt short, pointless, and I expect it was put in there to kill a few minutes. Stan as a woman was pretty funny though. The fact that he maintained his regular masculine voice made it all the more hilarious. This episode sheds light on the divide between the sexes, and watching Stan try to balance the two is entertaining. The best part of the episode is the last ten minutes. Lessons are learned, and the interactions between Stan and his boss, Mr. Bullock are great. The rest episode was a bit of a snooze fest, and felt like something I’ve seen a million times before.

Overall, Stan Goes on the Pill was okay for me. It made me laugh in some of the right places, and the message of the episode was loud and clear: don’t take your significant other for granted, listen to them every once in a while. They’ll appreciate it and it will do great things for your relationship. Also be aware of any and all side effects that come along with your medication! This episode didn’t give me much of anything new, and won’t be one I’ll remember a few months from now. That said, I could watch it again.


What did you think of “Stan Goes on the Pill”? Let us know below, and enjoy the rest of your week!