Bubble UK: Mashed & Toonocracy Set up Spoofs

Feel like all those big summer blockbusters are merging into one endless film? Like, maybe you could inter-splice scenes from all of them and not know the difference? Behold! Spoofs! All your summer smashes in one and a half minutes!

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Bought to you by Toonocracy in conjunction with Mashed is this years must see action packed short! Yes, imagine you are reading this in voice-over guy’s dulcet tones and add an “in a world..” and you have a nifty intro to Spoofs, part one.

spoofs robocop
Sexy Robocop dispenses kinky justice!

Squeezing all the excitement you can handle into one minute thirty, Spoofs takes well aimed pot shots at all the remakes, sequels, and ongoing franchises currently lodged in our tiny pop-culture obsessed brains.There are so many movie series out there these days I can easily see Spoofs becoming the very beast it lampoons; will we be seeing a Spoofs 2, 3 and 3.2? Probably!

Subscribe to Mashed and Toonocracy for more Spoofs and laughs weekly.