Review: Mother Up! ”Rudi Gets Served”


Spoilers Below

Rudi may be in the market for a part-time job due to the fact that she’s bored all day. However, we eventually do meet her ex-husband Jeff who delivers divorce papers. The kids really missed him, but something’s up with this douchebag. That said, Rudi really misses her life as a music exec, but maybe not for long as 2Bit stops on over because he wants to be her husband in an effort to spike the hip hop industry.

The next day Jeff comes by the house to pick up some filled out divorce papers, but he just ends up being a real dick with the kids. Turns out Rudi may want to hook up with Jeff again, so she decides to tail him to a hotel where he seems to be getting cozy with a Golden Girl named Josephine Goldblood. Turns out this old lady is an heir to a big pharmacy business and Jeff’s obviously trying to move in with her, but she really wants custody of Jeff’s kids. Rudi heads home and we meet 2Bit and his new wife and kids, but Jeff comes on over and she makes this whole scene about wanting to get back with her ex. Josephine comes over and makes a big stink about the divorce papers. After she leaves, Rudi concocts a new plan.

Rudi decides to take the kids over to where Jeff and Josephine are hanging out, but these kids are insane. Back at Rudi’s house, we learn that 2Bit has gotten his new wife pregnant all the while the kids are pretty much kicking the shit out of Josephine and Jeff. The couple return the kids and Josephine is introduced to 2Bit’s kids. She’s sold and right away marries Jeff away from Rudi which is just fine with her because she has 2Bit!

The producers of Mother Up! probably could have labeled this episode 2 for the first season run, but I actually liked it better as the finale due to the fact that we had 13 weeks to really get to see Rudi do more on the suburban single-mom side of the fence versus the City life. So when 2Bit and Jeff were brought into this picture, I almost felt more culture-shocked. LOTS of funny stuff happened this week, but we essentially had the opening scene to Superman Returns as the basis for Jeff and his deal with Josephine, just with added kids. However, those added kids provided for a very rare tug of war between Rudi and her ex and moreover I think we started to see that despite all of her constant complaining about raising kids, she has officially accepted herself as a mother.

2Bit´s contribution to the episode was rather hysterical, and I really hope we do get to see his ex-wife’s kids sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, I almost took the animated music video at the end as both a ”Thanks” and a ”Goodbye” to all those watching. Could we get a Season 2? Welp, check out Bubbleblabber the Magazine Issue #2 and we will certainly give you our thoughts in the Season Review.
