Review: Annoying Orange “Clementine’s Day”



Spoilers Below

There’s a Valentine’s Day incoming, but Nerville doesn’t have a date because he sucks at life. Ginger decides to ask out Pear, but she wants nothing to do with her leaving Ginger without a date to the dance either. This causes her to hate Valentine’s Day, but Clementine the Cupid shows up with her newly broken glasses and she asks Ginger to help her make people fall in love no matter how much they don’t. On the night of the dance, Orange, Grapefruit, Banana, and even Midget Apple all get hit with arrows meant to turn Pear onto Ginger. Turns out, Pear was gonna ask her to dance even without getting hit, but Orange and the other fruit decide to intervene. Soon, Cupid’s arrows get thrown all over the place and everyone loves everyone, but Clementine is able to get her glasses fixed and get everyone back to normal. The party ensues and Ginger apologizes to Pear and the two end up dancing the night away. Nerville gets hit with an arrow, and flies away with ice cream on a flying sea turtle.

I gotta say, seeing Nerville have to settle for riding animals versus getting ridden by ladies may never get old. Unfortunately, a bunch of this plot is rather cliche’d nonsense that I’m sure you’ve seen a whole bunch of times.