Graphic Novel Review: The Annoying Orange “Tales From the Crisper”

Is this book as bad as the show or is it worth the read? Jump in to find out!

This book is much like the other book we reviewed, “Secret Agent Orange.” The comics here are definitely a lot better than the show, mainly because we don’t have someone’s ugly ass mug superimposed on an orange. I definitely think that the Annoying Orange would have benefited better from day one if it were animated like this. Anyway, this book has a bunch of one page stories sandwiching a bigger story.

“Chili Chiller”

Orange is being his normal, annoying self. This time, Lady Cayenne is the target. She gets so pissed at Orange, she kicks him out of the tent. The next morning, she wakes up, and sees her magic matzo ball is missing. She knows Orange stole it. So, before Orange can do anything really bad with it, she finds him, and almost gets the ball back, until Nerville takes the matzo, and eats it with his chicken soup. Cayenne is going to take revenge on Orange, and she’s using Nerville to do it. She cooks a haunted gumbo, and like an idiot, he eats it. He turns into a fruit-craving beast. Cayenne turns his attention to Orange and the fruit. He eats Apple, and the rest of the fruit run. They run all over the store, until Orange finally tricks Nerville into eating Cayenne. Nerville runs into the baking aisle and takes bicarbonate of soda, which happens to be the only remedy for haunted gumbo. Seems like Cayenne and Apple will be spending a lot of time together.

This story was actually very entertaining. I got more for the show in these 10 pages than I did in the show. Orange was annoying, to the other characters, but not to me. The complement of the one page stories are what does it for me, as well. None of them were boring, and they told quick stories that not many other forums can do in 5-page, 10-page, or full length comics. If you are looking for a quick read, or are a really big fan of the show, get this book. For $7.99, it’s a good deal.
