AFT Ranger Delivers Us The News!


No one likes the news. If it’s not the amount of political bias the networks put into their reporting it’s the depressing topics that sway us away from televised news channels. Yet these networks continue to make boatloads of cash each day so we really shouldn’t expect to see that changing any time soon. Then along came The Daily Show and much more recently Colbert Report to really deliver the news with a more common sense and humor spin. Learning about issues without all the crushing depression and sadness. But let’s face it folks, even their shows are spun a bit as well. Who will deliver us the truth? We as people and Americans deserve truth in media.

Enter Action Figure Therapy.

So apparently Ranger beat the brakes off of a guy who runs the local oil change place because the $29.99 oil change special shouldn’t cost more than that and his punishment was to look up news articles to show that there are much worse things happening in the world than inflated oil change prices.

What he delivers to us is roughly four minutes of hilarious social commentary and idle threats that, in my eyes, could very well unite the left and right if they both sat down to watch it together. This got me to thinking, “What if AFT gave us a weekly news show?” Raw. Unfiltered. Factual. Side-splitting. Would the Internet embrace a news show delivered by the disembodied voice of an action figure? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Without any further hesitation, here’s Ranger with the news!