Review: Dragon Ball Z Abridged Episode 39

The snarkiness continues in the latest episode as Vegeta can’t wait to break into one of those androids! And we get intoduced to MC Widow’s Peak!


Spoilers Below

Trunks gets a case of teenage angst, and blows the crap out of what was Gero’s lab. Again, when things are pointed out, like standing around when powering up, and assuming people are destroyed, it goes to show that the show is self aware again. Finally, 16 gets out of his coffin, and declares he has one objective…I mean obsession. He’s programmed to kill Goku. This drive from the androids kicks the balls of Vegeta’s pride, and he throws his own hissy fit. They decide to appease 16’s programming, and go after Goku, who is screaming in agony back at home.

Chi-Chi is oblivious to her husband’s agony, as she is making dinner. She’s ok with it, because he’s at home dying. Back at the plot, the androids are out further into the sticks, trying to find a vehicle. Why, you ask? Because fuck it, that’s why. Vegeta shows up, gets to fighting, and does absolutely nothing to 18.  In a scene that makes the Wachowski siblings giddy, 18 and Vegeta are fighting on top of cars, on a highway. After Vegeta starts cracking woman jokes, 18 starts whopping that ass. So, Vegeta pushes that final button, dropping the C-Bomb on 18, she turns on the pain. She knocks Vegeta around, finally breaking his arm. Come on, like you didn’t see that coming?

This episode brought the funny to a whole new level. Vegeta took his arrogance and sarcasm to the point where it was hilarious watching him get his arm shattered. The oneliners were flowing like a water fall. The best came from 17. “If any of you interrupt and jump in to help MC Widow’s Peak over there, I will personally  introduce you to the ground.” Unfortunately, there isn’t an update to the Krillin Owned Count. Maybe we get that next episode.

This episode was really well put together. The editing and script work was pretty damn good. The way they have this down, it feels like a show you can see on TV somewhere, and that’s saying something. After the end of the episode, Yamcha is counting how long Goku is screaming between breaths. Check it out after the end logo.

Overall: 8.5