Shorts Review: All Def Digital Is The Only Place That Gets More B-Rock Than Michelle!


The American Government is a joke.

Now before you jump to conclusions and consider me unpatriotic, please give me the rest of this article to explain. Our morals and ethics are for sale, corporations have as much, if not more, power than some states, and our secrets are no longer secrets. The President is hated by the right and misunderstood by the left. Sometimes all you can do is just step back and laugh. And All Def Digital has given us an outlet to do just that. Enter B-Rock.

I’ve always assumed that the POTUS had some sort of unknown super powers or at least a hidden science team like James Bond. Little did I know that when the president doesn’t smoke he turns into a big-eared Hulk! The parody of having him turn into a super hero with a bit of a thug side is perfect. Literally perfect. Michael Vick ala Falcons days (That’s the dog fighting Mike Vick not the back up QB Mike Vick) hops in as Barry-O’s sidekick when Osama Bin Laden captures Michelle Obama after a rather curious romp in the Presidential Bedroom. I’ll let you read that sentence again while I start a new paragraph.

I’m not gonna spoil how the rest of that miniseries ends, but I assure you that this show never loses its steam. The combination of Rob Zombie-esque animation tied in with the regular art with glimpses of downright Looney Toons animation is fantastic! I really didn’t think I’d laugh as much as I did. I usually don’t find politically driven animation funny at all. But I must admit that I watched each episode more than once because I had missed lines due to laughter.

So, in my quasi-professional opinion, I really think that you should give this show, as well as our government a chance. Either way you’re going to get a really good laugh!


PS. They started a new storyline in B-Rock a few days ago. You can watch the new episode below! Aren’t we nice?

(@chefrichBB) fought the law. The law won.