Comics Review: Regular Show Skips #3

And then there’s that time when Skips met Dr. Who…


Spoilers Below

So, Skips is trying to find the time cop. He finds him, only to get sent back an 90 minutes. He goes back to the hunt, and gets the time cop to tell him what’s going on. They get to Mordecai and Rigby, and the time cop (who’s name is Ted Powers) gets Skips to wear these special glasses, and they show a lot of Mordecais and Rigbys. Ted hands his notes over to Skips, and they’re filled with terrible characterizations of the group. Oh, and wait for it…the geyser blows up, and we restart the day with a much wiser Skips.

This book has all of the trappings for a terrible Regular Show and Dr. Who fan fiction. Change the time cop to the Doctor, and we have it.  This shit is terrible. I wouldn’t have wasted my time, but someone needed to write the review. Luckily for us, we are half way there. Unfortunately, there’s still three to go.
