Comics Review: Regular Show #8

So, Mordecai does what ChefRich wishes he could do. He goes to the Dark Mainframe to erase the bad selfie he sent around to everyone. Can he be the hero ChefRich wants, and deserves? Find out!


Spoilers Below

Mordecai is wigging out, with Rigby trying to talk him down from it. Mordecai jars some old memories in Rigby, and he is good to go. Enter Skips, who equips the two in some epic Dungeons and Dragons type of crap. They make it past the kraken in the moat, and they make it in. Once inside, they are confronted by the 404 Error screen. That launches spiders in, which traps Mordecai. In a moment of panic, he remembers the password, and they plummet down into the tube maze. Mordecai takes a picture of Rigby, to follow it to the end. They make it there, where they get to meet the troll. He makes them go through one more task: make them face their terrible selfie past (See a pattern here for anyone who takes god awful selfies? Refer them to this comic.). Mordecai is shown selfies of Margaret, and he loves it.  This forces the mainframe to crash, and for Mordecai to embrace the terrible selfies.

“Spoiler Alert”

Mordecai and Rigby are on trial now, by a bunch of silly pugs. They’re found guilty, and are shown a video of their deaths. It’s so boring, everyone fell asleep. They run out before their death actually happens. /snore

For the love of God, can something in this comic go good for concurrent issues? Number seven was a pretty good setup, but 8 was another letdown. This was just like one and two. I was like John, and thought there would be some badass alternate realities. Unfortunately, we get terrible monsters, a stupid maze, and floating tablets. That’s the initial cut. Then we get the salt and lemon juice when we get a stupid ending to “Spoiler Alert.” This has been bad all around.
