Comics Review: Bart Simpson #88

Oh dear lord, please let this be better than the last Simpsons comic…nov130857



“Fool for a Client”

Bart is on trial for pulling the fire alarm. Unfortunately, there is nothing concrete, just circumstantial. Bart has Ralph as his “lawyer,” and it couldn’t get any worse. Unfortunately, Martin is the opposing council. Motive was set, and Bart was placed at the scene. It seemed open and shut until Ralph took the rap. Bart would have had to taken the test right away, except Willie almost burnt down the school with his makeshift crime lab.

“The Gluten, the Bread, and the Hungry”

We start at the Leftorium, where Flanders is still working. Two themed robbers, Glutenus Maximus and his sidekick Gluten Tag are holding up the joint. They make a getaway, causing a ban on all baked goods. This causes Pieman and Cupcake Kid (Homer and Bart) to figure out a way to nab the robbers. Glutenus robs the Mayor’s hot tub party, causing the newly renamed Captain Quiche and Meatball Boy to save the day, and let Uter and his dad stay in business by letting all cops and crimefighters get a 50% discount.

These stories were enjoyable. This is good, because it almost redeems the bird cage lining that was Simpsons 208. To me, any time the Simpsons don a superhero costume, it makes for a good read. And it doesn’t focus solely on Bart, which often leads to boring, run of the mill stories. “Fool for a Client” was different, because it’s been a long while since there was a courthouse “drama” involving Bart. This is a definite good read, and you should pick it up.
