Could the Zoolander animated web series be coming to Nerdist??


nerdist is reporting that Ben Stiller’s Red Hour Films has just signed a digital deal with Legendary Television and Digital and will go into effect after Ben’s current deal with Paramount expires. With this new signing, the long awaited Zoolander animated web series being produced by former Ugly Americans house Augenblick, may have found a web home when it premiers.

For those that don’t know, Chris Hardwick’s Nerdist Industries was acquired last year by the same Legendary Entertainment company that just signed the deal with Ben. When the buyout happened there was a press release put out that Nerdist was operating independently with co-presidents (a term that is very seldom used in any company, co-CEOs is a tad more common)Chris Hardwick and Peter Levin, but make no mistake Legendary is the company paying the bills so they would probably have no problem in waving a finger at Nerdist anytime they want.

The Nerdist Youtube channel doesn’t exactly have a great history in hosting animated or puppet programming which could bode as a disaster for the Zoolander series. The network’s best animated series Cops: Skyrim hasn’t had a new episode since August and even Nerdist’s rather successful start with Neil’s Puppet Dreams went nowhere despite the Webby nomination as we haven’t seen new episodes for that in almost a friggin’ year! And don’t even get me started on Dr. Tran!

So, could Nerdist be looking to make a more serious play at having quality animated content? Welp, this deal is on the right track so it will be interesting to see how this plays out.