Shorts Review: Sports Friends ‘Michael Vick meets LeFluffy’

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I felt a personal connection to this week’s Sports Friends with Michael Vick, because Vick used to bet on me and make me fight other writers I dressed up like Vick the Halloween after his notorious arrest and subsequent prison sentence. And since the kids today say, “Pics or it didn’t happen”…


The episode began with Philadelphia Eagles players LeSean McCoy and DeSean Jackson chatting in the stadium parking lot about the similarities between their names when Michael Vick spotted LeSean holding his puppy LeFluffy, said, “Oh. My. God,” and then made overly cutesy comments (like, “Gimme kisses.”) and spouted out endless dog knowledge.

The premise was funny in itself, but unfortunately, the dialogue didn’t add too much. I honestly wasn’t especially keen on the episode, until the ending. Riley Cooper walked into the background wearing an African Dashiki, also said, “Oh. My. God,” followed by: “How are my favorite African-Americans?”

That got me to laugh pretty hard. It was definitely unexpected. So although the episode was almost disappointed, one big joke once again managed to save it. It was an amusing way to poke fun at each of the players’ past controversies and was handled in the usual non-threatening Sports Friends style. It wasn’t consistently funny enough to rank among the very best, but it was close, and definitely a solidly funny episode.