Shorts Review: Sports Friends ‘Brady Goes Off on Gronk’


Spoilers Below

Maybe it’s because I don’t like the Patriots, or maybe it’s because the Giants have already been knocked out of playoff contention, but I just didn’t find this episode of Sports Friends (featuring Pats players Tom Brady and Rob Gronkowski) particularly funny.

In it, Brady berated Gronk for messing up a route, making him cry in the process. It unfolded like a cliché fight would, with Gronk expressing his sadness over making a mistake, Brady apologizing for being so harsh, and the two sharing a few chuckles and kind words between them to bring things back to a happy, normal level.

Usually episodes like this that are silly overall, but without any especially big laughs, will have a grand finale or some kind of twist or surprise at the end. This one ended with a joke about Brady being “happy these days as long as my tight ends aren’t murdering people.” Funny, but it wasn’t a funny enough joke for me to expect the credits to roll immediately after it.

I don’t want to bash the episode too much, since it still had an amusing quality to it, but the jokes and dialogue were weak this week, and I can’t help but be a bit disappointed.

Can’t win ‘em all.
