Review: Trip Tank – “Sneak Peek” aka ”The Green”


Spoilers Ahead!!!



JC and some disciples are sitting around a table when another shows up with a bottle of water. Jesus flamboyantly begins touching glasses to turn them into wine, but inadvertently touches one of the disciples’ hands, turning all of the water in his body to wine. Well, it turns out that the Son of God doesn’t know hot to undo that trick so they decide to try and call in a ringer: Satan. But before the call can be placed the disciple heads to the big vineyard in the sky.


Jeff And Some Aliens-

Jeff is a fairly average human. Just recently dumped by his girlfriend, aliens come down and decide to follow his life to see if the entire human race is worth saving. The aliens want to head to the zoo, but Jeff seems to give them every excuse in the book because he’s sad. The aliens try to cheer him up with a puppy. No dice. So they add a bunch more puppies to the mix. Still no dice. As a matter of fact, Jeff gets angry at the amount of puppies and demands a solution to the puppy problem. So the aliens turn them into a coat. Clearly this freaks Jeff right the hell out. A knock at the door quells the screaming. It’s Linda, Jeff’s ex, looking to reconcile. After a short, yet passionate romp under the covers, Jeff reveals that he is finally happy. Seeing that Jeff truly means what he is saying, one of the aliens removes his Linda mask and asks for that trip to the zoo that was promised so long ago.


3rd Grade Soccer-

On what is sure to be an actual show somewhere on Spike TV sooner than we all think, we open with Versus, a show that pits two unlikely teams together. Who will be left standing when a 3rd grade soccer team takes on the Mongolian Horde? To the surprise of the kids, the Mongols want to settle this with soccer. After a quick goal and some pretty epic showboating, the kids flip the switch and begin to slaughter the Mongols. Literally. Slaughter. Them.


Trip Tank Call Waiting-

“Slit Your Throat With A Smile On My Face”,  “Song For The End Of The Show”, “Koala Wants To Be On The Show”, “Department Of Energy”, “Favorite Show Freak Out”, “Skits Last Longer So I Can Last Longer”, “Favorite Show Freak Out Redux”

Other Sketches-

Birth Father HJ, Pete’s Extreme Funeral Parlor, Tiny Hippo, Do You Think He Can Fuck?, Witches Heroin, Street Pancakes, The Cave Of Sorrow, Debit Bum, Monkey On Mushrooms

Sketch Of The Night-

Jeff And Some Aliens

Skip This Sketch-

Birth Father HJ

(@chefrichBB) wishes there was a way he could sauté and ingest the awesome that this sneak peek was!! Show premiers in April. #CmonApril!