Review: MAD – “Alfred’s Game / We Are X-Men”





Sketch Stork is on the scene to let us know that the first parody is gonna be about Ender’s Game, a movie that hasn’t come out yet. The crew just runs off of what they know from the roughly two minute trailer. Harrison Ford starts out the sketch by dropping a really nice soliloquy while the artists twist those words to showcase a ton of features from MAD Magazine. After a quick Spy Vs Spy cameo, a Duck Hunt joke, and some pretty funny facial tattoos, the sketch ends abruptly. Just like the trailer.


I’ll be perfectly honest, I have no idea what this parody is really about. It’s crazy short, some whiny guy moves in with the X-Men, and he gets crushed after they TP Magneto’s house. That’s pretty much it. Nothing to see here, folks.

Other Sketches

Air Line Knot, Fish Out Of Water, White House Down Comforter, Caveman Fire, Is This A Show?, Road Runner, Garga-Melrose Place, Tooth Fairies Of The Old West, Spy Vs Spy, Bee Lost And Found, Ineffective Tactics For Faking That You’re Sick, Red Head Tree

Best Sketch

Alfred’s Game

Worst Sketch

Caveman Fire