DVD Review: Family Guy Volume 12



Family Guy is usually a special case when it comes to home releases. On one hand, they don’t really get you a TON of special features when compared to shows like Robot Chicken or even The Simpsons and that remains true here. Really, its just old Comic Con stuff and animatics/commentary on a couple of the episodes, but I gotta tell ya, hearing Stewie say ‘fuck’ or ‘shit’ is an exhilarating experience that you simply cannot get on TV or on Hulu. This may sound like such a minute detail, but it really spices up a bunch of the episodes and even makes some of the episodes that maybe weren’t great the first time around seem a bunch more funnier.

So should you buy this with your Christmas gift card money? Welp, its $25 on Amazon, so if you see it any higher than that it really depends on a few things: 1) Are you a completionist? 2) Is censorship important to you? 3) Do you have expendable income? If you can answer yes to at least two of these questions then yes. Otherwise there really isn’t a lot going here for special features and it may be a bad buy.

Should you buy?
