Comics Review: Regular Show: Skips #2


Spoilers Below

Skips and the gang head to the park for some vacation time, but events keep rewinding and its driving the big guy crazy. This goes on and on until he gets a visit from the Time Cops…to be continued.

Yep, this wasn’t an issue you really are looking to pick up for any substance because there really isn’t much here. There’s a joke, it repeats, and then the twist near the end. However, my major problem is with how Skips is presented. Typically in the Regular Show series Skips is quite a bit more light hearted and doesn’t act like the Hulk. Typically he’s a bit wiser and more prudent in figuring things out, and better yet has the powers to change shit on will. That really doesn’t show up which makes me question if the people who wrote this has seen the Cartoon Network series.
