Shorts Reviews: Sports Friends ‘Football 2’


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Hey look, there are more Sports Friends episodes! Only about four of them, but beggars can’t be choosers, right?

In case you missed it, I previously reviewed the other football episodes here. (LINK) This time around we have two gridiron shorts, and the first one starred Green Bay Packers QB Aaron Rodgers, who got a phone call in the middle of the night from Jordy Nelson, one of his wide receivers. Jordy had had a nightmare in which he could no longer catch anything, and Aaron had to convince him otherwise by getting him to toss an object to himself and catch it. After first dropping a lamp and panicking further because of it, Jordy succeeded in catching a ball, and all was right again in the Green Bay Packer world.

This definitely wasn’t one of the funniest football Sports Friends, but it was worth a couple laughs. Also, for some reason I thought the voice of Jordy Nelson sounded a bit like Tina from Bob’s Burgers, but maybe that’s just me. Just sayin’.

The second football episode was about a bunch of San Diego Chargers and Indianapolis Colts in a pile, and the calm conversation they had amongst each other regarding who has the ball. They used first names a few times, but I’m not sure if any of those correspond to actual players on the teams, and I’m way too lazy to look it up.

Overall I’d say this episode was about as funny as the last. They both still have that innocent child-like dialogue that Sports Friends is known for, and they both have their laugh moments. Nothing that’ll rock your world, but worth a watch if you’re killing a few minutes during halftime.
