Shorts Review: Sports Friends ‘The 18’


Spoilers Below

Halfway into this episode of Sports Friends, featuring Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson, I started to lose interest. (Yeah, I know, it only takes a minute and a half.) You see, I’m not particularly interested in golfers as athletes, and even less so as everyday people – and I assumed it would be even less with cartoons of golfers as everyday people. However, I ended up unexpectedly laughing out loud during the scene where the title came into play.

While chatting with Phil on the course, Tiger expressed his concern that he’d never “get 18.” Mickelson reassured him, telling him there’s still plenty of time for Tiger to win four more majors. Woods clarified that he was actually talking about scoring an 18. The perfect score.

“Can you imagine? 18 hole-in-ones?” Tiger said, excitedly.

“Who are you, Kim Jong Il?” Mickelson replied, in the best line of the episode.

It ended with Mickelson telling Tiger that he really just needs to lower his expectations and have fun – or something like that.

I was surprised how much I ended up liking this one, and how much the episode turned itself around at the halfway point. A Sports Friends that I thought I wouldn’t like ended up ranking among one of the funniest. Or at least one of the funniest lines.
