Shorts Review: Losing It With John Stamos featuring Olivia Munn

Spoilers Below

This episode marked another first for Losing It (at least in my opinion): this was the first episode where I actually wanted to picture the guest having sex. No offense to Casey Wilson, but Olivia Munn is just a bit more of a sex symbol. I’ve probably still offended Casey. Sorry 🙁 (Whoa, Microsoft Word does actual pictures of smiley faces? I hope this makes it to print. Editor’s Note: It did.)

This episode also made me ponder how the series is just as much about the awkwardness of being a teenager and the teenage years, as it is about the losing of one’s virginity. At least so far, since there hasn’t been anyone who claimed to lose their V-card at 27 yet. Except for John Stamos in this episode, but that was clearly joke. I mean, c’mon, the guy has probably been beautiful since birth.

Anyway, Olivia’s story involved her moving to the states from Japan (her step-dad was in the military, her mom is Chinese…because that totally explains Japan, right?) during high school, and temporarily feeling like the outcast. She decided to date the school’s star baseball player, gained some popularity, and gave it away to him. (Or decided to let him have it? I don’t know, Olivia said this whole thing about how sex is unfortunately seen as “let[ting] a guy do this to you,” so I don’t know how to put it.)

Anyway, the actual sex part of the story was brief and there was no description of the act (damn it) and the story was actually funniest at the end. Apparently the guy she slept with ended up going away to Atlanta that summer, and got a girl pregnant. Perfectly summing up confused teenage years and first loves, Olivia said this didn’t initially make her think to break up with him. Instead she thought, “What does that mean about us? Are we still…? Do you want me to help raise…? Am I moving to Atlanta?” And he of course responded, “No, I kinda have to do this now.”

Her story wasn’t especially funny, but she told it well, with a cute naïveté that added some humor. However, I will say that this was probably the best use of animation in an episode of Losing It thus far. They had cute little fat cartoons, which nicely matched the cute little way Olivia told the story. Also, there wasn’t an abundance of those animated moments, but the ones in which they chose to utilize the illustrations were perfectly timed, even if brief.

Also, I especially enjoyed how she punctuated her story by saying that the next person she slept with was a close friend of his. “And that felt so great.”

I bet it did, Olivia. Especially for the guy.