Shorts Review: Losing It With John Stamos featuring Casey Wilson

Spoilers Below

Before I begin, I’d like to mention that the Jeff Ross episode of Losing It will not be reviewed by yours truly, or any other BubbleBlabber writers. It’s not because it was a lame or unfunny story – in fact, it was quite amusing. It wasn’t anything against listening to Jeff Ross talking about getting it on, despite the fact that he looks like a Jewish version of the Geico caveman. The reason we won’t be reviewing it is simple: no cartoons. No claymation or dolls or even puppets were in that episode, so no review. Next!

Casey Wilson’s episode had puppets, so we’re all good. Also: this is the first episode so far to feature a girl. (Girls can lose their virginities too!) Although, like some of the previous episodes, this one was funny not so much for the virginity part, but for what followed.

In this installment, Casey recalled how she was dumped six months after first doing the deed, probably because they didn’t bump fuglies again for that whole time. To make her ex jealous, Casey made up a rumor about boning one of his friends, and then had to work around the lie. (Sidebar: this is one of the rare moments when a girl actually tried to convince people she had sex with more people than she actually did.)

Casey Wilson told the story well, and pulled it off with this cute & innocent attitude that made for the perfect tone to recall high school days. It may not have been one of the funnier stories on Losing It, but Casey made it an interesting and believably immature blast from the past for which anyone who has been through their teenage years should be able to relate.