Shorts Review: Losing It With John Stamos featuring Bob Saget



Spoilers Below

This time on Losing It, we get to hear from Mr. Danny-Tanner-Funniest-Home-Videos-Suckin-Dick-For-Coke himself, the great Bob Saget.

This interview was more like Bob Saget working a stand-up routine around John Stamos’ questions. Since Saget is a veteran stand-up comic, this came as no surprise. However, he also happens to be quite funny, so it totally worked humor-wise. That being said, it didn’t come off as natural as the other interviews, since it had that rehearsed sound to it. Kind of got the feeling ol’ Bob ran through it a few times.

Beginning with a few fake “firsts” (Weezy from The Jeffersons, the shark from JAWS, etc.) Saget then recalled his awkward, nerdy, younger days, and how he bedded his then-girlfriend in his late teens, and eventually married (and later divorced) her.

Though the “losing it” story was brief, the lead up to it was entertaining, and Saget managed to liberally pepper-in his jokes – including saying his first time wasn’t fireworks, but more like a Gallagher show. (Which is a reference – by the way – that as a still semi-young male, I understand, thank you very much, Mr. Saget.) He also made two separate references to UPS. Was it just me that caught this, or is it part of some weird product placement?

Saget also managed to generally stay within the Yahoo! content acceptability guidelines, while still leaning a bit more toward his signature vulgar humor, rather than his Full House funniness. It wasn’t overly funny, and given the content, his deadpan humor didn’t work as well as it usually does – but it was generally comical.

By the way, in case you were wondering: the special medium of the episode was dolls – like Barbie & Ken-type dolls.