Shorts Review: The Fuzz ‘Episodes 13 -14 – 15’


Spoilers Below

At the beginning of Episode 13, Rainbow revealed to Herbie that he knows his true identity, but intends for him to meet with, and kill, Jake. When they arrived at the ice cream parlor where Jake was waiting, Rainbow showed Herbie that he was holding Herbie’s wife and kid hostage, and that they would be killed if Herbie failed to complete his orders. Of course, Rainbow didn’t really care about Herbie, and hoped during the shootout that he and Jake would both be killed. The meeting ending up being a double-cross, where Roxy emerged to admit she was now on Jake’s side. A shootout ensued.

Meanwhile, Sanchez pleaded his case to the Chief, who once again told him to drop it. She did, however, give him his gun back.

When Sanchez arrived at the parlor, Jake, the only surviving bad guy, held Herbie hostage. After agreeing to drop his gun, Sanchez pulled out another one from behind his back and astoundingly managed to shoot Jake. When backup arrived to arrest the injured Jake, Rainbow capped him in the head and sped off, with Herbie’s family still in the backseat. Sanchez and Herbie took off in pursuit.

Herbie arrived at Rainbow’s mansion and was reunited with his wife and son. Herbie chased after Rainbow, who was fleeing in a helicopter, and the two exchanged fire. Trying to calm Rainbow down, Herbie began singing “The Friendship Song,” and it almost appeared to work. But Rainbow began firing again, and Herbie had to take him & the copter down. Still alive after the crash, the reinforcements finished off the evil puppet when he once again began shooting.

In the end, Sanchez and Herbie were given their badges back, and appointed the real, permanent Puppet Task Force. Their first case: a puppet serial killer. I smell a sequel.

This show has been getting better and better with each episode, and these last three were by far the best yet. Of course there was violence and cartoonish puppet humor, but the writing shined in these final installments.

Sanchez, of course, had the best lines. In the first one, he admitted to the Chief: “That accidental shooting? It wasn’t an accident at all. There’s no faulty trigger. I shot that kid on purpose because I thought he was a ghost!”

In the second, he threatened Jake by saying: “If you do that, I’ll blow you so hard.” And, after making the amazing shot: “Did you see that?! Not bad for drunk AND hungover.” He also referred to himself and Herbie as “a burnout drunk, and a three-foot pile of felt.”

As always, I enjoyed his “Puppet racism” as well, like when he mistook a pig puppet for Herbie’s wife because “they’re both pink.”

In fact, the only character that got a good laugh out of me other than Sanchez, was the helicopter, when he cheerfully said upon liftoff: “Here we go Rainbow. I love you!”

This series (or season) ended spectacularly. When I first began watching this show, I never would have guessed I’d be so entertained by the end of it. Sure, I think it could be funnier, but with the high production value, witty writing, and surprisingly good acting, The Fuzz is absolutely worth watching. I look forward to the next season.
