Review: South Park ‘A Song of Ass and Fire’

Spoilers Below

Gonzo Green here; still covering South Park, still not getting the Game of Thrones references. Let the hate mail commence.

In the second installment of a multi-part series, the video game console allegiances solidified further as Black Friday neared. The two sides made weak, one-sided attempts at peace, and both Microsoft and Sony began to court their respective youth followings in South Park.

Meanwhile, Butters and Scott Malkinson went to visit Game of Thrones creator George R. R. Martin so Cartman can find out what happens next in the saga (and copy it), and so Butters can personally complain that the show keeps “promising dragons, but all I get is more floppy wieners in my face.”

The show ended just before Black Friday, as the news announced it would be pushed back a week, and the shopping discount would be raised to 96% off. As the reporter stated: “The genius idea was proposed by George R.R. Martin, who also suggested, ‘Fuck it, let’s push Thanksgiving to December 3rd.’” A great ending and lead-in to part three.

First of all, I want to commend Microsoft for their ad placement. The very first ad in the very first commercial break was for Xbox One. Then again at the second commercial break. And at least once more before the show was over. Way to know your audience and your show, Microsoft Ad Department. Sony: you fail. I didn’t see a single ad for the PlayStation 4. Even Apple managed to slip in an iPad commercial.

Second, in spite of not understanding many of the jokes, I can still recognize that this was a high quality episode. Think about it. It had an engaging plot, well-split into three parts; it highlighted the best and funniest characters on the show, like Cartman, Butters, Randy Marsh, and Kenny; they lampooned multiple celebrities, including Bill Gates and George R. R. Martin; and they spoofed something culturally relevant (GoT) while also providing commentary on it.

And the laughs came frequently. Even though I didn’t entirely understand it, I was greatly amused with Kenny as a princess, especially the voiceover bit at the beginning.

As always, the writing was funny as hell too. I loved when Princess Kenny called Cartman a “ball-licking lesbian,” to which Eric replied, “That doesn’t even make sense.”

They also had a song that was fantastic: an a cappella ditty about penises. If you haven’t heard it, trust me, it’s funny. I would definitely argue that the “Cash for Gold” song is more impressive, but this one gives it a run for its money.

Of course the main focus of these episodes is still the Game of Thrones references, and a little research and early feedback shows that South Park is killing it right now in this department. They’re pulling off a tribute and a satire concurrently, and doing so for both the TV show and books. The biggest kick I get out of all of this, is that apparently these episodes aren’t an exaggeration; despite the Game of Thrones show getting more comments about the abundance of ta-tas, the books tell another story. Author George R. R. Martin really does have some sort of affinity for mentioning – and describing – dudes’ junk. And have you seen the guy? Of course you did; they showed an actual picture of him in this episode. And yeesh… I thought the animated rendering made him look like a fat, pervy old sea captain, but this might be one of the only instances where South Park actually made someone look better as a cartoon.

Even if you’re into dudes, and also happen to be into reading this sort of thing in novels, do you want him to be the guy that wrote, “Even his manhood was ugly, thick and veined, with a bulbous purple head”? If you’re into chicks, would you want to think that this is the guy who typed (probably one-handed) that a female character “had high firm breasts with nipples the color of dark chocolate that hardened instantly when Sandy brushed them with his fingers”? Please no. It would be like seeing Cybertron Messiah in a director’s chair in the background of the porno you’re watching:

Alright, I am totally flaccid, but thank you anyway, ma’am.

So I’ve warmed up to this trilogy, just in time for the final installment. If you’re a Game of Thrones AND South Park fan, you should be ecstatic; if you’re just a South Park fan, you should still be laughing your ass off; and if you’re just a GoT fan, and a first timer for South Park – welcome to your new favorite show.