Review: High School USA! ‘Gun Control

Howard Stern would be proud.
Howard Stern would be proud.

Spoilers Below

Amber and Cassandra have a rather influential radio show where they tell everyone to not wear shoes. Better yet, all of the school staff and student body get their own guns. Marsh isn’t crazy about guns in school, but his dad seems to be cool about it so now he feels a little better. Weirdly enough, Blackstein is the best shooter in school, but that’s still not cool for Amber and Cassandra. The radio duo decides to start screening gun owners in an effort to look good to be co-class Presidents. The girls end up taking pretty much everyone’s guns and both Blackstein and Marsh are pissed. Marsh convinces Blackstein to enter the Presidential Election with Marsh acting as his campaign manager. All of the candidates end up giving speeches in front of the entire school in an effort to promote their respective causes, but Blackstein gets the popular vote with Marsh bribing the school with a $1000 a piece. Turns out the National Gun Association put a couple bucks into Blackstein and Marsh’s campaigns, but Amber and Cassandra get on the radio and tell everyone that guns are NOT cool.

I was sort of looking forward to writer-Dino’s take on gun control, but I think that the episode never really coalesced and was all over the place in terms of the pace leaving whatever message or premises that were looking to be conveyed in the dust. This show works best when it sets you up and then knocks you over without expectations, but thanks to Structor, Meriweather, and Brad there were still enough decent laughs to be had.