Review: Fish Hooks “Hats Amore”

Could have used a bit more-a.

Spoilers Below

It’s seahorse racing time today on Fish Hooks! Everyone’s wearing nice hats to commemorate the occasion. We soon learn that Lulu’s parents don’t like her fiance Mr. Baldwin, but the girls are too busy fawning over Finberly whom is trying to chase after this ‘hot guy’. She fails so Bea and Shellsea want to make her feel good about herself so they decide to buy her a hat. Oscar and Milo join Baldwin on the food line and the teacher tells the guys all about her pre-marital woes. Milo thinks that Baldwin’s gotta do something awesome to gain the parents’ trust. His chance comes when one of the seahorses exits leaving Baldwin  to enter at Milo’s behest. Shellsea decides to steal some kid’s hat and give it to Finberly to make her feel better and it seems to work. However, the hat makes Finberly look like Brandon Bubbler and she’s due up to sing the Fish National Anthem at the games. She does a great job, but the Milo/Baldwin team lose the seahorse race. Bubbler’s peeps try to chase down Finberly and poor Oscar is still waiting for his fucking hot dog.

Kind of cool that Milo ended up in the closing credits, but overall this episode was completely erratic. For starters, I think this is like the 15th race Fish Hooks has done, but anytime Dana Snyder (Baldwin) can get most of the screen time it’s usually for the better. Shellsea’s plot was alright, but it wasn’t enough to save this week from mediocrity.