Review: Annoying Orange ‘Thanksfornothing Day’


Spoilers Below

Nerville is talking shit to a stuffed turkey and its just terrible there really is no other way to say it. Eventually, he finds that all of the fruit are hiding so as to not be bought by shoppers looking to stock up for Thanksgiving. Turns out all of the food hates Thanksgiving because they get bought and used for deliciousness.

It’s here Orange tells the story of the first Thanksfornothing Day where the fruit are dressed as settlers looking to build a new life in America. Unfortunately, some of the local veggies show up and capture up the fruit only to be greeted by Pumpkin PLAYED BY GILBERT GOTTFRIED!!! Orange starts telling all of these jokes to Pumpkin and the Chief seems to love it. Turns out the veggies and fruit are united in trying to get rid of all of the utensils into Plymouth Wok. They decide to send Orange to bug the shit out of the utensils and it works! Better yet, Orange chases the utensils all through the woods and sends them off a cliff into Plymouth Wok. But guess who comes next?? PEOPLE! And they make a smorgasbord of the fruits and veggies. Then Nerville gets stuck on the wall.

Gilbert Gottfried saves all! Even when you factor in the lameness that is Nerville. Even more so when you factor in that the plot makes no sense because when I asked a guy named ChefRich if you can melt utensils in a wok, he said no chance. EVEN WHEN you factor in that this episode is all about how the foods hate Thanksgiving which is about as sacrilegious as you get! Gilbert Gottfried shows up to decimate all.
