Comics Review: Bravest Warriors #14


The Bravest Warriors crew are at the Saturn Oaks Galleria, getting ready to go swimming in the dating pool. However, Chris, a future Emotion Lord,  is in the bathroom where his telepathic powers are starting to show. He reads the mind of Carmichael Smithers, who is planning a heist to steal the food court money. Chris rushes to the gang, trying to explain what was going on, and no one was listening. Danny, however, developed a way to have a time-traveling beard, and shows it off. Beth and Plum (she’s back!) decide to get food at the Beaks and Cheese place. Meanwhile, Wallow is mind dating some thing in the dating pool. At the Beaks and Cheese stand, Plum is doing her best to be wing girl by changing in to her more natural form. Meanwhile, Chris is following Carmichael around, trying to figure out his plan, which he does. Carmichael plans on exploding the Men’s room to destabilize the urinals, and getting the security office sucked into the Septic Dimension. Danny shows up with Wallow to the Beaks and Cheese stand, where Beth is hitting it off really well with Counter Boy. Danny is trying to awkwardly hit on Plum, when Wallow starts playing with the hair remote. This entire page is funny.

So, Chris stops Carmichael single-handedly, and when he is about to make the arrest, he sees Beth and Counter Boy flirting. This awakens his Emotion Lord powers. He makes everything electrical in the complex go haywire, including taking control of Danny’s hair. He makes it so long, it carries Counter Boy out to the dumpster. Chris realizes what he did, and is ridden with guilt…and Wallow is dying of laughter on the floor. In the chaos, Carmichael gets away with stealing the money he was looking to steal.

So, Bravest Warriors definitely stepped their game up. We get a full issue this week, not a split book. We also get the return of Plum, who is one of my favorite characters. We also get to see Chris go bat shit nuts with his Emotion Lord powers. I think I am going to call them Emo Lord powers from now on, because they trigger on when things get too dramatic.  Also, I don’t think this issue is really all that good for the kids, because the overabundance of sex innuendos may put off some parents. If you hide it from them, who cares, right? All in all, this was a change from the normal Bravest Warriors comics, and I am glad to see it. Hopefully, Chris’s Emo Lord powers can actually be controlled, so he doesn’t have to dye his hair black with pink stripes to get the max power levels.
