Review: Wander Over Yonder ‘The Pet’



Spoilers Below

In this episode of Wander of Yonder, the crew pays homage to the great move, Alien.

After Wander & Sylvia come across an abandoned ship in the depths of space, Wander decides to check it out to see if anyone is in need of a rescue par-tay.

Throughout the episode, Wander and Sylvia have separate views of the acid spitting, big-lipped spider alien that presumably murder banged an entire ship’s crew. While Sylvia sees it as a lethal threat, Wander sees it as just another one of the universe’s creatures that could be a pet.

The three of them do not run into each other until Sylvia sets off the self-destruct, abandons ship, and realizes late in the game that Wander is still alive – so she heads back. When they finally escape, Wander has an intensely emotional moment showing Sylvia that he taught his pet, Capt. Tim, a few tricks… This was until Capt. Tim hopped on top of Wander and began trying to thrust his tongue deep down Wander’s throat tube.

What this episode boiled down to was that some wild animals aren’t the best of Pets and should be left to nature, OR someplace they can call their “forever home.” There is a happy ending for Capt. Tim as well ended up finding his forever home with Lord Hater… Who else could take a nibble and keep on trucking?

Chalk another W up for Wander Over Yonder as I give this Alien Parody episode an astounding
