NYCC Recap: Union Pool introduces ‘Cartoon Lagoon’ and ‘TVOOVIES’

And despite all of the legal talk, I would say the panel was a success.



Yesterday at NYCC brought to light a panel for the brand new Youtube channel Union Pool coming from Starz Media and all in all it was a pretty awesome time. Taking part in the presentation were the cast and crew of Cartoon Lagoon, the creator of TVOOVIES, and a whole bunch more. While there the guys talked about the geneses of their respective series and showed off clips to which the audience certainly reacted warmly.

What I thought was really cool about the series is that the creators of the shows gave a lot of advice to aspiring artists about a lot of business practices that up and comers should look for. Everything was on the table such as questions about copyrights as it relates to parody, finding middle-ground with networks on business decisions while keeping artist integrity, and most importantly what could get you sued if you break any of these rules.

Union Pool finished up their presentation with a table-read of an upcoming Cartoon Lagoon episode and a kick ass rally to which I won nothing but an entertaining panel.