Bubble UK: The Pilot of Blast Processing Airs

Our friends over at Blast Processing have released the pilot of the new 8-bit series so it’s finally time to take a look at what we’ve been hyping over the last few weeks.

Title Card

If you have yet to read our previous articles (why? what have you been doing?) Blast Processing is a new web-series that revolves around the lives of a group of Non Playable Characters from a video game, as they live through the fallout of the gamer’s actions, or what is, to them, the actions of  “The Creator”.

The first episode is a double length pilot written, directed and animated by Greg Giddens, with additional material from Neale Jarrett, Steve Peacock, Peter Willington and Leena Van Deventer. The team of NPC’s, voiced by the assorted Blast Proecessing creatives, come together when strange things start happening in their usually docile 8-Bit world then the gang begin to process what seems to them, like the end of the world.

I love the animation style, it’s simple but effective and immediately establishes the habitat of the characters, there is no doubt to the viewer these guys are living in a game, but maybe someone needs to tell them that. I thoroughly enjoyed this pilot and am looking forward to seeing more from Blast Processing, the simplicity of the designs is offset by the crazy storyline but it helps us believe we are looking into the lives of those villager types who appear to mill around aimlessly in video games. The voice characterization needs a bit of work and my American cousins may be taken a back by just how British the NPCs sound, but, given time, I feel the voice overs will come more naturally to the team.

Check out and enjoy then, the first episode of Gregg Giddens & co’s Blast Processing.

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