Bubble UK Catch Up: Blast Processing Episode Four

How are our friends at Blast Processing getting along four episodes in? Time to find out!

blast processing 4

Whoah, time flies in the world of animation and we find ourselves already on the fourth installment of Greg Giddens’ new series Blast Processing. In the previous three episodes we have been introduced to the Non Playable Characters within the game and have watched as they becaome aware of their surroundings and accepted their role within them.

In episode two the gang of NPC’s became aware that they can manipulate their surroundings (to a certain extent), something which may come in handy as it appears armageddon is occurring around them. As they took to the skies in a handily placed plane they met another pixelated personage who let them in on an important factor: they, as NPC’s don’t matter much in the grand scheme of things, the only pixels that matter in this world are Playable, like him.

Blast Processing 4.2
New guy Derek, in the kilt, would you trust this man?

Having established that these Players are douche-bags and not in any position or of any inclination to help the gang, the NPC’s set out to find a way to hide from the devastating events  affecting their world and to see if they can do anything to help their predicament. This is where we find them in episode four, in conversation with a hermit-like fellow NPC who attempts to fill the team in on any specifics of the game they may have missed. Who is this creepy NPC, Derek, and can he be trusted? You’ll have to watch to find out.

So far, the story has moved along at an even pace, we discover more about the NPC’s as they discover more about themselves and we learn that, just as in real life, some game  players are incredible wankers, all attitude and mouth and very little regard for fellow gamers. I’ve voiced my approval of the animation style previously and the 8-bit action remains easy on the eyes. If I have one problem with Blast Processing it is with the soundtrack; some voices are at inconsistent levels and as our American cousins may already find the accents hard to decipher, the quietness of the speech isn’t going to help any. This is particularly problematic in episode four as even I struggled to understand what new character Derek was saying. I’m sure there is an easy fix for this; stand closer to the microphone? I obviously don’t know how it works but I’m sure it’s not a permanent problem!

Blast Processing 4.4
Those players do not look friendly.

All in all the show is coming along nicely, the action is picking up and we find ourselves empathising wit the NPC‘s already. I’m enjoying the series and look forward to each new installment, it’s never to late for you to start watching and I encourage you to do so.

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