Shorts Review: Losing it with John Stamos featuring Michael Rapaport

Damn you, John Stamos. Damn you to hell. Why did you have to go and mention that you’re 50 years old now? And no, this isn’t one of those things where I’m thinking, “Oh man, John Stamos is 50 now? I remember him when I was a kid. Boy do I feel old.” No, this is because at half of Stamos’ current age I am realizing I have not yet looked, and will never look, half as good as a finger-painted picture of Stamos on his worst day. I look more like the attempted restoration of a finger-painted picture of Stamos, as carried-out by the same 80-year-old woman that “restored” this portrait of Jesus:


Bah. Anyway, this week we’ll be discussing the Michael Rapaport (Boston Public, The War at Home, Friends) episode of Losing It with John Stamos.

This one actually fixed the only flaw I found with the first episode: Stamos just let his guest tell their story, and only interjected to ask a question when totally necessary. And he didn’t have to lead Rapaport at all, because the guy can talk. He ripped on Stamos, his own friends, and the chick his story was about – and the story was funny.

It was partially acted out by puppets this time around (last week was dolls) although I’m beginning to think that the animations aren’t even necessary as long as the guest is even the least bit interesting.

Also, several times they had to bleep Rapaport’s curse words. Really? You can’t say “fuck,” but you can show a puppet getting an erection? What is the world coming to? Clearly: puppet boners.

In the end, it was a good installment of Losing It with John Stamos; on par with the Matt Stone episode. And that’s just dandy.