Shorts Review: The Fuzz ‘ Gangs of Puppet Town / Welcome to Puppet Town [Ep. 1]’

Spoilers Below

Another new Yahoo! Series: The Fuzz, is about cops and puppets – two things that endlessly frighten me. Nevertheless, I was assigned to this show in a cruel ruse organized by some sadistic editor. [Ed.’s Note:’ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ‘]

So far so good. With the show, that is, not my rapidly evaporating sanity. It stars Herbie, a puppet cop with a wife and a bun in the oven, tackling the Jellybean drug problem in the creatively named Puppet-town.

The show melds comedy and action sequences, and will apparently become a buddy comedy in the later episodes. And in case you’re an anti-puppite, there are human characters too.

Nothing to shake a stick at so far, but the premise is promising, the production value is high, and the puppets are adorable – with just a bit of PG-13 raunchiness added to the mix. I think I spotted Dot Com from 30 Rock (Kevin Brown) too. So that’s cool, I guess.

It’s enough to get another viewing, so check back next week to see what’s what with the next episode.


@Gonzo_Green is a real boy.