Shorts Review: The Fuzz – Episode 2



Spoilers Below

You can’t say The Fuzz isn’t a well-produced show. It is shot well, structured well, and acted surprisingly well. There are ample sight gags, with some clever writing sprinkled in as well. And this week we saw puppet violence! Lot’s of it!

In episode 2, Rainbow Brown caught his big break (in an episode entitled “Rainbow’s Big Break”) with a big jellybean deal, only to have to shoot his way out when the gig went wrong. Herbie still wasn’t featured much, but he got a break of his own toward the episode’s end after he got appointed to a special Puppet Crimes Task Force after the mass murder.

Although The Fuzz show is still establishing itself in episode 2, it still looks to have a good amount of promise.

This is the shortest review I’ve ever written. So here’s a picture of Miley Cyrus with Tom Brady’s face.

You’re welcome/I’m sorry.



@Gonzo_Green is short and sweet.