Spoilers Below lil bro

How much is too much to pay for a college degree? In this week’s episode of China, IL the Dean pushes students to their limits.

Everyone knows that college tuition prices in the good ol’ USA are ridiculous. You may not know exactly how ridiculous unless you have familiarized yourself with the tuition system/prices from other first world countries. Go take a look now. Open a new tab. Stop being a lazy piece of shit for one second. You would totally open a new tab for porn. This is me here, don’t try and lie to me son. You never lie to porn. Porn demands the truth of your weirdness. Porn knows all.

Cool, you looked that shit up. That shit was crazy right? Yeah. We pay a lot.


Not to be outdone by other deans, the dean of UCI lowers his teachers pay to minimum wage and raises the student’s tuition to $500,000. This was a perfectly ridiculous choice price wise (by the writers here) and really drives the message of this episode home [satire son]. Unsurprisingly, faced with the option of moving home as a un-college-finished-failure the students decide to do whatever it takes to pay up so they can register for classes within the 7 day deadline.

There are two sub-plots goin’ down here: Pony desperately trying to find an alternative or get the funds needed and Baby Cakes pretending to be Robin Hood so he can steal from the rich Dean and give it back to the poor students.

Tasting notes:

I liked the point that this episode was stabbing at and the over the top opulence used to do so cracked me up a few times. Baby Cakes’s voice still haunts my dreams, and there is a lot of him in this one, but ultimately he does have a few funny sequences. The voice actor behind Pony really just doesn’t do it for me, so the high amounts of her in this episode don’t really leave me reeling – but does end up having a fairly entertaining plot-line of her own this time around.

I still look forward to next week.

The jet ski song was dope.

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