Spoilers Below

Errey’body knows that working a job can suck. This is not a new revelation for anyone past their early teens, but in the world of Aqua Teens …. blah blah blah something -Frylock wants everyone to get jobs because bills.

Begin review!

In this episode of Aqua TV Show Show, Frylock tries to earn a few bones the honest way while Meatwad and Mastershake are taken under Carl’s wing in order to pursue much sketchier paths toward bill-payery.  The plot turns, job choices, and ultimate resolution of said bills are what churns out this episode’s humor, so I won’t spoil it for you- but it is pretty hilarious.  Personally, I always enjoy Carl’s little nuggets of wisdom when “coaching” the teens to be the most memorable, and there are a good few of them in this episode to enjoy.All in all, this is a fairly solid episode with plenty of Carl. Daddy like.
