Review: The Annoying Orange ‘Cereal Killer’

Spoilers Below

The Fruit Cops are on the scene of a cereal murder. They go to Squishee to try and get a lead and they get one in the name of the ‘Granola Gang’.  They go and meet up with one of their members, but Marshmallow has to go in and do the dirty work because the granola ain’t talking. Back at the precinct Nerville arrests Orange as the only likely suspect in the murder which causes Pear to flip out and Nerville to ask him to take a leave THREE days before he is set to retire. Pear eventually gets a new clue and finds out that it was Grapefruit that committed the crime so he grabs Orange and start chasing down the suspect.

Ahhhh yes…Annoying Orange. We meet again. It’s been a while and some of the same problems you have are still around namely the probably brain damaged Toby Turner as Nerville. His incessant gestures with the glasses were less parody and more of an annoyance to the point where I had to put the TV on mute every time he said something. That said, the car chase scenes were rather stellar and cleverly thought out and although ‘Cereal Killer’ is certainly no C.R.U.M.B.S., this was one of the better episodes.