Review: The Looney Tunes Show ‘Mr. Weiner’

Spoilers Below

Bugs’ doctor tells him he’s way too stressed out and needs to take some time off for his health only to call later and leave a voice mail to tell Bugs his heart beats fast because he’s a rabbit. Weirdly enough, Bugs feels fine so much so that he decides to join Sam in helping build his stunt ramp for a trick he plans to do at the fair. Bugs put together the entire equation for the trick to work and at first he doesn’t need to do anything but then Sam makes him come to the fair to actually help with the trick. Unfortunately, Sam can’t even reach the pedals with his feet so now Bugs has to do the actual trick. The guys make it BUT they crash land.

Meanwhile, Daffy gets advice of his own against entering a hot dog contest at a local fair, but of course he isn’t listening and he doesn’t even have the stomach for them. Also, Porky’s lady Petunia is on her way to also go to the fair with him, but Daffy thinks he’s acting too desperate for this chick and tells him to man up. So, here comes Petunia flying in and now all of the sudden Porky acts like a dick much to her surprise. This behavior leads into the actual fair and Daffy isn’t doing much better as he really wants to win this hot dog contest and it doesn’t help that a fortune teller tells him to do it anyway. While Porky and Petunia get stuck on the ferris wheel and Porky comes clean about his behavior and then Daffy wins out on the hot dog contest,but he floats away and gets charged with cheating in the contest.

Our Take

I think if I see one more food eating contest this year I’m going to freak. Seriously, Muscle Man JUST did a hot dog eating gag not even a couple of months ago on Regular Show. And don’t tell me “These shows get produced months in advance, how would they know?’ HEY! EVERYONE has done it!

Fortunately, Bugs and Porky are in this show and both put up entertaining story lines. As mentioned in a prior review, I hope that Petunia sticks around because I think she is a sweet heart of a character and she plays great opposite Porky. Bugs also had a funny idea and its always a good time when Sam tags around.

Overall, a solid episode even if some of it we’ve seen elsewhere.