Review: Aqua TV Show Show ‘Muscles’

Spoilers Below

Shake needs to start shaking that ass more after he succumbs to a stroke, so Fry advises for him to start exercising and to watch what he eats. Well of course Carl has a shortcut for all of that shit and decides to introduce Shake to an energy drink/probably an anabolic steroid that gets the cup RIPPED. Unfortunately, being big and buff aren’t the only effects of the drink as Master Shake’s mood starts swinging on the dime and worse yet, he grows muscly arms and legs with a talking torso. Pretty much Shake turns into Hulk Shake, but he’s actually asleep when the entire thing goes down so he barely has a clue of what the fucks going on when Fry wakes him up. Eventually, Shake’s ‘Hulk’ condition comes back and names itself ‘Muscles’. Turns out this dude is bad news and right away he forces Shake to tell him where to get more of the energy drink. This leads the mutated cup over to Carl’s, but after squabbling over dollars and cents Frylock shows up with some drugs and knocks out Muscles. Fry and Meat drag the lifeless corpse of Muscles all the way to a farm and lock him up almost acting as a rehab facility for Shake’s drinking habits. After some time, the muscles dissipate leaving behind a brood moving mass of a Shake that soon gets eaten by coyotes. Poor shake…

I’m feeling good things this season of Aqua and if this premier episode is any indication, Adult Swim’s longest running series is going to get better. Almost on point to all of the A-Roid allegations going around as a a result of the Biogenesis scandal, writers Dave and Matt ‘Hmmm…let’s throw in some of that Marvel shit, too yea?’ Muscles was hysterical but how many of you threw up a fist when Carl told it to scram without pay? I know I did! Awesome Inc did a great job animating the dichotomy between Shake and Muscles and both characters had hysterically written dialogue to boot. Shake strokes out a good one, makes me really want next week to be here already.