@AFTherapy Post “Official Trailer.” Is The Animated Series On The Horizon?




Last night on their official Facebook page, Action Figure Therapy posted up a short “official trailer” given to them by the folks over at Big Picture Entertainment. It’s a sweet little thirty second trailer that chronicles AFT to this point in time. What struck me as a bit odd, however, was the use of the fully animated bits in the trailer as well. Could AFT be gearing up to launch more fully animated episodes? Could “Stanley The Honey Badger” finally be coming to life? (I mean, c’mon, who wouldn’t wanna see that 42lb of pure, unadulterated hatred and nicotine dick biting in full color?) This could all be speculation, but I have a feeling that this may stoke the flames a bit and bring more interest into the animated series. AFT is gonna continue to slay the Internet either way. And if I’m wrong, well, we got a sick trailer out of it anyway!

(@chefrichBB) thinks you should check out all the fun being had over at BONER CITY USA while you’re at it!