Shorts Review: @OliverAge24 – “How To Draw Really Good – Lara Croft”




A few months ago, in an effort to drum up a little excitement for the impending Bubbleblabber merch store opening, I reviewed a little Mondo Guest Pass from a nice British gent named OliverAge24 called “How To Draw Really Good T-Shirts.” Genius, right? He’s talking about T-shirts. We’re about to launch some merch your way, possibly in wearable form. The story writes itself. Perfect. Great job ChefRich! ::tips hat; exits building::

But if that were how the story actually played out, it would be incredibly boring. The BB merch store is still under development and will be up right around the same time as our brand spanking new site launch, so keep your eyes peeled for that in the coming weeks. But what of Oliver? What has he been up to since then? Well it’s funny you should ask. He just recently won a contest to get one of his original characters animated into Happy Tree Friends AND he’s putting out episodes of new really good drawings like a boss! So when I looked down the roster of drawings that have happened since my last visit, one surely stuck out of the rest. Lara Croft. Boobs McGee herself has received the honor of being drawn by Oliver. And it is my personal belief that this might just be Oliver’s best work to date.

The animation style hasn’t changed much since last we watched. What has changed is the addition of backgrounds, which is a really smart addition. The narration is just as funny as it has always been. Another new addition is the review of fan art by Oliver himself. What can I say; the man has an eye for talent. It’s great to see a web series continue a consistent arc towards the top while continually adding new content and aspects to his craft. A round of applause for OliverAge24, for he knows how to draw really good!

Shorts Review Score – (9/10)

(@chefrichBB) wishes he could draw this good in real life. Lucky for him, what he lacks in talent he makes up for in good looks and charm