Shorts Review: Mappy Episode 1



Spoilers Below

Mappy is a new web series from Kris Straub and Scott Kurtz, but the series itself has a feel of a motion web comic. Instead of perfectly animated mouths and bright colors we do almost get a brooding dark comedy for a younger crowd. This particular episode we get to meet the initial cast with Mappy going to get a job, but having to interview with and eventually accept a job from his former arch nemesis from when he was on the force that being Goro. Turns out Mappy really needs this job, so despite the fact that Goro has been such a big thorn in his side for a number of years he regretfully takes the job so he can remain employed AND try and apprehend his long time nemesis. In this episode we also meet Dig Dug, a guy who used to be Mappy‘s partner in the 80s, but was a bit too late to help out Mappy in his latest discretion and what ultimately got him kicked off the force. 

Overall, this series, while not having the polish and the voice talent caliber of the other ShiftyLook series Bravoman, does have some pretty interesting characters. Mappy is this sarcastic, but smart mouse with a wit that is pretty spot on. Dig Dug was pretty funny and coming from a guy who used to play the game a lot I always DID wonder what he was doing between level wipes. That said, the overall premise is a tad weak with the one time good guy having to work for his nemesis. Not saying it isn’t comical, I’m just not sold….yet. Also, shout out to the Buteras for their rather stellar merging of a web comic and a web series and helping give us something a bit more fresh in terms of presentation that should help it stand out a bit from the pack.

If you are gullible, Mappy is for you….for others the premise may be a tad of a stress.

7.5 out of 10